South Carolina Security Guard Practice Exam 2024 - Free Security Guard Practice Questions and Study Guide

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While working as a Security Guard you notice a person with a disability having difficulty entering the doors with their wheelchair. What should you do?

Approach and ask if they would like your assistance.

As a Security Guard, it is important to be aware and accommodating of individuals with disabilities. Option A is the correct choice as it shows empathy and offers assistance to the person in need. Option B is incorrect as it assumes the person needs assistance and does not give them the opportunity to make their own decision. Option C is also incorrect as it puts the responsibility on the individual with the disability to ask for assistance instead of proactively offering it. Option D is completely disregarding the situation and not fulfilling your duties as a Security Guard to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals.

Approach quickly before they have an accident and push the wheelchair to correct the problem.

Monitor them until they ask for assistance.

Continue your duties as the situation is personal and none of your business.


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